JiBe accounting is a purpose made accounting system for the unique needs of ship manager. Full integration to all modules and transactions feeds into auto ledgers and making automatic accounting entries as draft or final close the books on daily basis without any effort or extra cost forecast cashflow to a high level of accuracy using the budget, PO and predictive modules of UpWind.

Automatic Ledgers
All modules that have transactions such as
procurement, crew, travel, chartering etc.are linked to auto ledgers and transactions are instantly entered into the books automatically in draft or final form. Automatic ledgers reduce accounting team workload, enabling them to spend more time on critical things like costs, cashflow forecast and compliance.
Payment Processing
A full electronic Procure-to-Pay process provides you with the ability to run the full process all the way to bank batch setup, with complete audit trailing and logs of any approver along the process.

All account codes and all ledgers and transactions are connected to our Power-BI and any report or forecast can easily be view by authorized users.