Rob O'Dwyer
May 9, 2023
Singapore-based shipping company Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS) has signed an agreement with maritime ERP provider JiBe to begin the roll out of its application package across EPS’s organisation and onboard its fleet.
The deal will provide EPS with an integrated cloud-based system providing real-time data and analytics to support data-driven decision making.
“Our detailed evaluation process identified JiBe ERP as the superior choice in its category for both technology and functionality. Its all-in-one integrated cloud solution suite simplifies interoperability across business functions within the organisation, including our fleet,” said Max Wong, Head of IT for EPS.
“With its advanced architecture optimised for AI models, JiBe ERP provides a comprehensive suite of features that support data-driven decision making in fleet management and marine operations, fully aligned with EPS’s strategic objectives.”
In its most recent software versions JiBe notes that it has added UpWind and Yamba.ai support to deliver AI capabilities into shipping organisational processes.
“EPS aims to enhance its operational efficiency and overall performance, which will provide seafarers and office users a better work experience. Adopting modern technologies like JiBe will allow them to do so,” said Yariv Zghoul, CEO of JiBe.
“Post-Covid, companies need to stay ahead and JiBe ERP offers the perfect solution to manage business processes more efficiently and effectively.”
The implementation process is scheduled to begin immediately, with the onboarding of ships within the fleet to be completed in phases.